"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence"

Friday, May 21, 2010

A Short Entry

This will be a short update since I have yet to write any during the weekend !

In a wink of an eye, we're reaching the mid year already.
Hows everyone doing?

I had been settling my school registeration & biggest accomplishment, leaving my workplace !
If you're wondering why ; it s a long story. -Shall elaborate more soon *
Understudying a new staff who happens to give me much trouble as Im left with a week or so
to teach her almost everything but she doesnt seems to be keen to learn ! #$#@$%#

Lets cast that aside.
Speaking about school, School commence on Mid June !
-( Better be excited right now and rant later on )
Planning on a getaway with some of my girlfriend during my School term break this July.
BKK was my first choice but RIOTS has taken over, tell me how to get there?

PS There's always a Plan B. heh heh
Alright have a great weekend ! "Parrttyy .

* 10 Days till we meet again, IMU ♥

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